Preventing Infectious Diseases is as simple as 1-2-3-4

doctors-for-pakistan October 22, 2021

Preventing Infectious Diseases is as simple as 1-2-3-4

Winter is a great season to enjoy happy times with your family indoors but it is also the time many people get sick. The cold temperatures stress the immune system while the dry air doesn’t allow the production of protective mucus in the nasal passage. This makes you more vulnerable to infectious diseases in winter.

Health experts at Doctors of Pakistan share 4 simple steps to stay healthy all winter and the rest of the year too.

Get vaccinated

Vaccines are the most important part of the infectious disease prevention routine, even when you are not traveling. Viruses transmit easily from one person to another via a cough or sneeze. Vaccines prepare your immune system to fight specific pathogens and diseases.


Children, seniors, and people with pre-existing health conditions are even more susceptible to complications from infectious diseases. Get the necessary vaccinations even if you do not have to travel.

Wash, Wash, Wash your hands

You have washed your hands a million times in your life but do you know how to wash your hands properly? Good handwashing is more than simply squirting some soap and rinsing your hands with water.

Here is how you should wash your hands:

  1. Wet your hands.
  2. Apply the soap all over your hands.
  3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds
  4. Rinse your hands well.
  5. Dry with a clean towel (not the one others are using) or hot-air dryer.

You should wash your hands –

  • Before and after sitting to eat
  • Before and after preparing food
  • After caring for a wound
  • After caring for someone who’s ill
  • After using the toilet
  • After changing a baby’s diaper
  • After handling pet waste
  • After touching an animal (including pets) or touching their food or treats
  • After handling garbage or anything else icky
  • After sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose

Use a hand sanitizer only when soap and water aren’t available.

Cook and clean properly

Cook meats thoroughly to kill bacteria. Scrub and wash kitchen counters after handling raw meat, poultry, or fish. Keep your kitchen counters, stove, table, and floors clean.

Don’t share personal use items

Sharing is caring but sharing personal objects can transmit viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms. Encourage your kids to keep their items to themselves, including pencil cases and stationery.

Everyone in your house should have a personal own towel and toothbrush. And if go to the beach, gym, or pool, don’t go barefoot. Wear flip-flops or appropriate shoes that protect you from infections, such as Athlete’s foot.

If you are looking for the best infectious disease treatment or lifestyle modification specialists in Pakistan, visit Doctors for Pakistan or write to